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Showing posts from December, 2017

E-waste - 21st Century Challenge

Why should you Recycle - E-waste ?   Save The Earth By means of call we all understand what is E-waste , however we in no way move in detail . while we purchase any product made with plastic or metals , no one consider what's going to occur after it wears out! When we ought to opt for Proper E-waste Management ! Natural resources - It conserve natural sources at high stage . Non recycling of any electronics product can motive very dangers effect over herbal surrounding. Valuable materials - Instead of throwing any computer hardware , electronics , if we recycle them  we can get valuable materials which can be reuse. Refurbished Product - Materials which we incur from E-waste , that can be use in Refurbished products and can sell it again at low price. Reuse of whole units -  We all get bored after 3-4yrs of same product , at this time instead throwing away give that to some one who is in need. Saves landfill space - E-waste is